Thursday, January 29, 2015

6 station shoot

Equipment list that was used. Canon EOS 50D,Speedlite 580EX ll, Speedlite 430EX II, Canon EF 100mm f/2.8, optional- drip kit, universal photo timer and stopshot. External flashes are used. glass used as a light diffuser. colors in the drops are from food dyes. colored for the background- colored plastic or colored gels on the flash guns. tripod or monopod. 

the glass was 4x4 with and 1/8" thick. f/16 apeture. make sure the surface of the glass is clean. no fingerprints. black velvet background in this instance. 
low shutter speed- more than a second but less than like 3 seconds. small apeture to let in less light so the lights arent too bright. iso on the lower end of the spectrum. need something that spins and has lights. 
need a monopod or a tripod so the lights don't blur in an unwanted way. 

You need soap to create the colored soap bubbles.a dark background but a black background works the best. glass of water. a soft box is needed. medium to high shutter speed. tripod or monopod. low ISO. 

tripod or monopod. manual focus. longer the lens, the more shallow your depth of field is. nearer you are, shallower depth of field is. macro lens. lens- 50mm macro. move the focusing not the camera. when editing, align layers. blend layers. 

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