Thursday, January 29, 2015

6 station shoot

Equipment list that was used. Canon EOS 50D,Speedlite 580EX ll, Speedlite 430EX II, Canon EF 100mm f/2.8, optional- drip kit, universal photo timer and stopshot. External flashes are used. glass used as a light diffuser. colors in the drops are from food dyes. colored for the background- colored plastic or colored gels on the flash guns. tripod or monopod. 

the glass was 4x4 with and 1/8" thick. f/16 apeture. make sure the surface of the glass is clean. no fingerprints. black velvet background in this instance. 
low shutter speed- more than a second but less than like 3 seconds. small apeture to let in less light so the lights arent too bright. iso on the lower end of the spectrum. need something that spins and has lights. 
need a monopod or a tripod so the lights don't blur in an unwanted way. 

You need soap to create the colored soap bubbles.a dark background but a black background works the best. glass of water. a soft box is needed. medium to high shutter speed. tripod or monopod. low ISO. 

tripod or monopod. manual focus. longer the lens, the more shallow your depth of field is. nearer you are, shallower depth of field is. macro lens. lens- 50mm macro. move the focusing not the camera. when editing, align layers. blend layers. 

2 light images






Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Prompt shoot peer review

Which photo do you like best?
My favorite picture is the places picture. i love the reflection evident in the water. The effect of the photo is almost as if it was painted using pastels. The shadows and highlights are at a really good amount.
My least favorite is the one of the lights. I don't like how pink it is. i feel that the photo didn't really look like that. although the effect is cool, i wish the color wasn't so strong.
I really like the cropping of  the images. none of them are too close or too far away.
i like the subjects chosen and the way the shoots were executed.
you should have more rules of photography.
I think  the prompt portrayed the best was the people prompt.
i dont think there was a least successful prompt.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Welcome Back Blog
Briefly describe what you looked at on the website (2-3 sentences, make sure you write enough to really make it clear that you spent time looking at the website).

I looked at all of the different spiral staircase pictures. Some of the colors and the way the shadows are and the texture of some of the pictures is really awesome. To think that these pict
ures were taken in abandoned buildings throughout Europe is awesome. Although a lot of the staircases look a like, everyone has its own personality and the photographs capture that perfectly. 
What did you learn new?
I learned that these pictures can be taken with a tripod. i would like to see the setup to see exactly how it was positioned.

If possible, post your favorite photo from the site.

If you have a photo to post, please answer the following questions:
a.     Why did you pick this photo? I picked this picture because I love the colors and the texture of the stairs. The shadows enhance the effect of the chipping pint. 
b.     What rules of photography do you see in the photo? Viewpoint, leading lines, depth of field
c.     Who took the photo? Christian Richer

On this website i saw pictures of some of the oldest things in the world. I found it interesting that the pictures had a polaroid like border with handwriting on the frame, but the pictures were taken with a DSLR picture. I read about how this photographer worked to research all of the organism and showed the dedication to take the time to research so many different places. 

I learned that some things on our earth are thousands of years old and you wouldn't know that they were that old unless you looked it up. I learned that an index of organisms like this has never before been created in the arts or sciences and this photographer is capturing all of these and documenting it. 

i picked this photo because the way it was cropped and the viewpoint are really cool looking. I like how you cant see into the "cave-like" part of the tree and how it gives it an element of mystery. 

Rules of photography- cropping, viewpoint, framing
Rachel Sussman

i looked at a video of a timelapse and then proceeded to read the questions and answers section of the post. the timelapse was taken in brazil. 
if you looked at a video, please do the following:
a.     Describe what you saw in the video. In the video the time lapse featured places of brazil. 
b.     Try to figure out who made the video. If it was a photographer look them up on google and see if you can learn more about them. Joe Capra made the video. He is a part of ScientiFantastic. He is a photographer but he also makes a lot of time lapse videos. He also has made a short film. 
c.     If there is a story about the video on the website, paraphrase it in 2-3 sentences. On the website, there is an interview with Joe Capra. When he was asked about what brought him to Rio, he responded with the fact the Panasonic had seen one of his previous videos and asked him where he would want to go. Also how he got interested in time lapse. he responded that he had seen a time lapse video about the milky way and he wanted to try it. 
d.     What did you learn new? I learned about setting up the camera to get the time lapse and the equiptment that you need. I learned that you have to map out where you want to go and you have to carefully plan about what kind of shot you want and what you want to show.