Monday, November 3, 2014

Urban Style Landscapes

4 tips:
Mid to late afternoon gives you longer and softer shadows producing more interesting results.
interesting parks give you natural landscapes combined with urban landscapes to give you interesting combinations.
Good oppurtunities for beautiful images in an urban area.
Take a variety of lenses.
Look for contrasts
Research your locations

Around town lake
Austin Power Plant
6th Street
4th Street

Monopod or tripod.
Polarizing filters and UV filters.
Spare batteries

1.At first watched a online tutorial. His friend modeled for him. Brainstormed ideas he had never seen before. His photographs use ordinary steel wool thats set ablaze for the sparks.
2. Even professional photographers watch online tutorials. It is important to protect your eyes and your camera's eye from the sparks. wear goggles and put a cheap filter on your lens to avoid getting molten metal on the front element.

1. Clint Davis has dvd tutorials over how to make a movie poster. He goes over composite  images. each tutorial is step by step. Each dvd is a different level.
I learned that professionals offer tutorials for amateurs so that they are able to learn cool tips and ways to composite images.

There is no favorite photo.

Couldn't get to the photoshop website. 

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