Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Camera Etiquette
1. Summarize this reading. It should take at least a paragraph (3-4 sentences). Make sure to highlight the suggestions they make. we need to be polite in our photography. don't be a hog shot. take as many shots as you can, stay for a considerate amount of time, then get out of the way so others can have a chance. 
be mindful of your gear and how much space it takes up. careful when you have a big lens. careful with a big camera bag. be considerate if you have a tripod. 
keep your other eye open. be aware of your surroundings. 
make friends with people around you. they might keep an eye out for you too. 
apologize for your mistakes. 
let others know-politely- of their mistakes. 
2. Pick your favorite tip. Post it on your blog. Answer the following questions: my favorite tip is to make friends with people around you. 
     a. Why do you think this is the best suggestion? i think this is the best suggestion because not many people would think to do this. most people just stay to themselves. or maybe thats just me. haha but i think this is definitely something that people should consider.
     b. How would you deal with a person who isn't being corporative? yes. some adults at the football games and really rude when it comes to standing in front of you. 
     c. Have you ever run into this before? If so, please explain what happened & how you dealt with it. since there is enough space, i just simply move to the side. if there hadn't been that much space, i would politely ask them if maybe i could crouch in front of them since I'm a smaller person.
1. Summarize this reading. It should take at least a paragraph (3-4 sentences). Make sure to highlight the suggestions they make. keep in mind that its the bride and grooms day. they hired a photographer for a reason and they most likely had to pay quite a bit for it. as a professional, explain that you want to get your shot, and then you will let them get theirs. know the rules of the church. 
2. Of course this is from the perspective of a guest. But lets think about this from the professional photographers eyes.
     a. How would you deal with a "rude" guest if you were hired to shoot a wedding? simply be polite and suggest taking turns.
     b. What if that person was the Brides mother, or someone else important, would that change how you deal with the problem? if you remain polite and make sure to take turns, there isnt much you can do about rude people. you just have to make them understand that you were hired for a reason, and they can have their turn after. 
     c. What could you do ahead of time to perhaps help with the problem? set the "rules" from the very beginning so that everyone has a clear understanding. 
     d. What could you do during to keep this issue from occurring, if you sense its starting to get out of control? maybe ask members of the wedding party or the wedding planner since it is in their best interests for the bride and groom to be happy. they would most likely be willing to help.
1. Summarize this reading. It should take at least a paragraph (3-4 sentences). Make sure to highlight the suggestions they make. blame yourself not the equipment. be polite in your constructive criticism. make sure to apologize if you hit someone and move on once youve got your good shots. make sure your friends and family dont take advantage of you. 
     a. Which annoying thing do you think would bother you the most? i think the fact that people dont apologize for doing something or they just stand right in your way the whole time even when they arent taking pictures. 
     b. What annoying things have you encountered when out taking pictures? Describe the moment? people photobombing your picture trying to be funny when you are trying to be serious. 
     c. What would you do if a family member or friend wanted you to shoot something that you know would take a lot of time and involve a lot of work? Do you work for free? i would ask them to consider how busy my life is and that if they want me to take pictures of something that would take a lot of time and commitment when i could have booked another shoot with someone willing to pay. working for free when it is only for like less than an hour is okay, but if they want prints, then they can pay for those. otherwise i would politely ask them to consider maybe giving a little something in return.
1. Summarize this reading. It should take at least a paragraph (3-4 sentences). Make sure to highlight the suggestions they make.
choose a light lens. streamline your camera. you want to be nimble with your camera. bring other options and leave them in the car- have backup gear. dress for the weather and the activity. be open and polite. use common courtesy and manners. be mindful of other photographers. share cool angles and perspectives. share action going on that someone might have missed. dont hog the shot. shoot in burst mode. stand in one spot and look in every direction. kneel and get different angles. keep mental notes for next time. have fun. 
2. I am considering planning a day for us to leave campus and go on a photo walk. With that in mind, answer the following questions:
    a. Where would you like to go for a photo walk? Remember it has to be close by, not like San Antonio or something, be realistic? wildflower center. or if no cost, botanical gardens in the spring. or around town lake. 
    b. Why would you like to go there (equipment, clothing, etc)? lots of pretty flowers and theres a lot of different things to see so you wont get the same shot over and over. and with town lake, its really pretty. 
    c. What things would you need to have a good day walking and taking photos? water! it gets hot or dress up for the cold. make sure to have more than one lens so a camera backpack might be a good idea. 
    d. Would you prefer an urban or nature walk? Why? i cant decide. i think there are benefits for both. city gives you more action with people and can tell more stories tho. 

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