Thursday, April 16, 2015

HDR/ Panoramic


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I realize the following is quite lame
    for most in this world denying Jesus...
    yet, we must follow God's Rules:
    who gave U.S. free will? God Almighty.

    Where you going
    at death's hour, earthling?
    If 1-outta-1 bites-the-dust
    and if you dont yet know,
    lemme show you how to wiseabove;

    When our soul leaves our body
    and we riseabove to meet our Maker,
    only four, last things remain:
    death, judgement, Heaven or Hell
    according to the deeds we mortals
    have done in our finite existence:

    Find-out what RCIA is and join.
    Make Your Choice -SAW:
    Jesus sez...
    I. love. you.

    Google+: kold_kadavr_ flatliner

    1. 'there is great strength in humility
      N knowing your place under God:
      beyond eternity shall be your reward'
      -blessed holy socks
