Monday, February 23, 2015

Painting Reproduction

How well did they reproduce the painting? Look at colors, posing, lighting, props, spatial distance.
I think the people were recreated pretty accurately. the position of the girl in kneeling was a little off. in the painting it was more leaning forward with not so straight of a back.  the background was black in the reproduction and had many other colors in the painting. the lighting was a little off but that is also due to the fact that there was no floor in the recreation.
Do you think the photographer did an acceptable job on recreating the image? What leads you to this analysis?
overall i think it could be improved. the backgrounds were too different.
If you think they didn't do the best job, what areas do they need to correct the next time? Do you think they should go shoot it again?
they need to pay more attention to the background. honestly, because the background is hard to recreate, i understand why there was difficulty. the idea was good and i like the effort of having the girls in robes, however it might not have been enough.

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